A Maiden Voyage Through Time
After a strange incident, a brother and a sister from the early 20th century suddenly find themselves lost in the middle of the Renaissance. Wanting nothing more than to be back with their parents, they meet an old man. He happens to be Leonardo da Vinci, and he takes them under his wings and tries to get them home – some 400 years later.
On the way, they are thrown into the centre of the major events that determined the course of human history. The old Leonardo thought he had already seen everything, but thanks to the children, he begins the most intense period of his life.
A 100% Transmedia Story
Conceived and born in a transmedia dimension, the fascinating universe of “The Fantastic Journeys of Teo & Leonie” has been developed using different components which, through their combination with each other, offer a new style of interaction, with the goal of tangibly enriching the experience of reading.
Destined for a target audience aged between 5 and 11 years old, the universe is dispatched on various, interconnected formats:
- A collection of beautifully illustrated books, accompanied by games and apps for tablets and smartphones, incorporating augmented reality and increasing tenfold the appeal factor of the book for children;
- A TV series in 3D real-time animation, based on high-end video game technology;
- An e-Magazine with a considerable amount of additional content which serves to anchor fiction in reality and the daily life of the children;
- An interactive online platform which encourages collective sharing of individual experiences;
- An animated audiobook, with the idea of providing a comprehensive reading experience